
Classification of Loom

Classification of Loom
Classification of Loom
Classification of Loom
What is Loom:

Loom is one structure of mechanical mechanical device which is used to offer woven fabrics by the interlacement of warp and weft yarn. It seriously is no longer very a m\c. But genuinely many choose not usally loom is usally called weaving mechanical device. In weaving technology; loom is the concept mechanical mechanical device for weaving. Pit loom is the 1st loom in loom history. Subsequently the handloom was once constructed and then thepersistent loom. Now, a diffusion of sorts of loom are used for generating fabrics.

Fig: Hand loom andpersistent loom

Loom and Its classification:

In preceding time hand loom was once used to make fabrics. But on a daily basis technology has turned into contemporary. Now a diffusion of sorts of loom are used to manufacture fabrics. In this text, loom and its classification are explained generally. From the underneath photograph you may get classification of loom or weaving mechanical device.

Fig: Classification of loom

Generally classification of loom in two sorts. They are-

Hand loom

Power loom

Broadly classification of the ones two sorts of loom:

1. Hand loom:

a. Primitive or vertical loom.

b. Chittranjan/Semi-computerized loom.

c. Hattersley loom.

d. Pit loom.

i. Through commute loom.

ii. Fly commute loom.

e. Frame loom:

i. Through commute.

ii. Fly commute.

2. Power loom

a. Ordinarypersistent loom

b. Electricpersistent loom

c. Automaticpersistent loom

d. Modernpersistent loom

A. Jet loom

B. Rapier loom

C. Multiphase loom

A. Jet Loom :

(i) Air jet loom

(ii) Water jet loom

B. Rapier Loom :

(i) Flexible rapier loom:

# Single rapier

# Double rapier

C. Multiphase loom:

# Plain multi phase loom

# Circular multiphase loom

Loom similarly is categorized into two sorts dependent on the commute:

#Shuttle Loom: Shuttle loom is that loom where weft yarn is striking for the period of the warp yarn by the performance of commute.

#Shuttle less Loom: In a commute less loom, weft yarn is striking for the period of the warp yarn by the performance of projectile, rapier, air or water.

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