
Bangladesh Textile Industry Present Scenario, Future Prospects and Challenges

Bangladesh Textile Industry Present Scenario, Future Prospects and Challenges
Bangladesh Textile Industry Present Scenario, Future Prospects and Challenges
Bangladesh Textile Industry Present Scenario, Future Prospects and Challenges

Textile and clothing sector plays a an worthwhile role in the expansion of economic climate; technology of additional than 65% of the countrys commercial employment and 81% of the export gains. The industry employs about 5 million people of whom eighty% are girls folk. Until the liberation of Bangladesh, the textile sector used to be principally an import-substitution industry. It begun exporting geared up-made clothes (RMG) including woven, knitted and sweater clothes in 1978, which grew spectacularly all because of a smarter two and a half of decades from US$3.5 million in 1981 to US$10.7 billion in FY 2007. Apparel exports grew, but in the origin, the RMG industry used to be no longer wisely supported by the expansion up and down the domestic provide chain (e.g. spinning, weaving, knitting, fabric processing, and the garment upload-ons industries). Until FY 1994, Bangladeshs RMG industry used to be most frequently dependent on imported fabrics- the main textile sector (PTS) used to be no longer producing the compulsory fabrics and yarn.

Fig: Bangladesh textile industry

It is a ought to need to title and analyze the failings of main sectors. Supporting simple textile industries comparable to spinning, weaving/knitting, dyeing and finishing industries are is termed backward linkage industries. RMG sector and printing and packaging sector are is termed forward linkage industries. From analyze of textile sectors; it used to be saw that:

Most of the textile mills are working with awful plausible utilization.

We are frequently dependent on the foreign machinery as neatly as technicians.

We need to borrow engineers/ experts from other international regions; but this would possibly occasionally't be an extended tern answer for the commercial and technological growth of our state.

It is the favorite to all and sundry that Bangladesh lacks of compulsory ample analysis and progress facilities.

Structure of the Textile Industry in Bangladesh:

There are two forms of textile industry in Bangladesh. They are as following:

A. Backward linkage industries:

Supporting simple textile industries comparable to spinning, weaving/ knitting, dyeing and finishing industries are is termed backward linkage industries.

B. Forward linkage industries:

RMG sector, printing, and packaging sector are is termed forward linkage industries. Most of the textile industries are in the personal sector.

According to constructional constructing design, there are two forms of textile mill. They are as following:

i. Horizontal oriented textile mill:

This factory or mills are developed in ground floor principally founded industry. Generally heavy weight widespread machineries are placed at this kind of factory.

ii. Vertically oriented textile mill:

This factory or mills are vertically developed as a multistoried selection constructing. Normally they're five to 8 stored constructing. Generally pale weight machinery is placed at most judicious floor and heavy machinery is placed in ground to first floor. Process series or manufacturing steps are arranged in response to product out put. RMG is a vertically oriented factory.

Major Textile Sector and Its Product:

Major textile sectors of Bangladesh and its items are given in following table:

Table-1: Sector clever textile items

Grey woven fabric

Grey knit fabric

Dyeing and finishing

Dyed or printed fabric

Apparel or clothes

Men, girls folk and youngster put on

Carpet, twine, hessian, and sacking.


Silk yarn and silk fabric

Sharee (jamdani and banarosi), lungi and gamsha.

Power loom

Sharee, lungi, gamsha and the varied woven cloth.

There are additionally some composite mills in our in state. Two or extra than two the varied mills are combined under one management is cited as composite mill.

The aggregate of composite mills would possibly only perhaps also be following:

Weaving and dyeing finishing

Knitting and knit dyeing

Dyeing, printing and clothes

Bangladesh export-oriented geared up-made clothes manufacturing and main textile (spinning , weaving, knitting, dyeing)sector with back up help of the accessory (trimming and packaging) industries, contribute 81 proportion to complete export earning of the state.

The domestic textile industry has made appreciable contribution to the rapid growth of Bangladesh RMG industry. International RMG consumers favourite Bangladesh mainly for 2 purposes:

Competitive expenses of immoderate quantity reduce finish items and

Presence of a creating main textile industry in a place to ensuring sizable provide of inputs to RMG industry. In truth, the well worth addition of the RMG resources driving the inputs provided by the just about by main textile industry is a brilliant deallots extra as in analysis with these dependent unquestionably on the imported inputs.

But the export oriented RMG industry is now at stiff competition brought on by global trade liberalization under WTO restrictions and settlement on textiles and clothing (ATC), in the quota loose world. It is broadly believed that the progress of an eco-friendly backward linkage in conjunction with a neatly designed street map for destiny growth would have provided safeguard measures to retain and increase the Bangladesh textile and RMG export in the quota loose world.

Development of the textiles and RMG industries demands coaching of a pragmatic street map with synchronized strategic motion plans in respect of technology, inputs, HRD, immoderate caliber, productiveness, compliances and other trade vending aspects. Preparation of street map just about requires up-to-date resource in point of preceding performances to research preceding and current scenario and draw out conclusions that could function a simple for destiny buildings of motion for progress of the arena. On the opposite hand, the disorders linked to immoderate caliber, productiveness, compliances and commission minimization depend upon sustainable provide of skilled manpersistent to the arena.

The requirement of yarns (Cotton, polyester, CVC, PC, mlange, acrylic, viscose), fabrics (woven, knit) and RMG are wonderful in analysis with at hand plausible. To prime off the verdict for provide gap, there wanted a extremely amount of funding (DDI/FDI), plausible utilization of the mushy-day m/c, skilled manpower (textile engineers).

At current, the DOT (Department of Textile) has confirmed MIS and on-line page to counterpoint the target of the ministrys need in respect of resource and database. Updated resource about mushy-day scenario of textile and RMG sectors of Bangladesh is accessible that on-line page. Data have been gathered from following suppliers:

Bangladesh Textile Mills and Exporters Association (BTMEA)

Bangladesh Garments Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA)

Bangladesh Knitwear Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BKMEA)

Specialized Textiles & Power Loom Manufacturers and Exporters Association

Terry-Towel Linen brands and Exporters Association

Bangladesh Dyed Yarn Exporters Association (BDYEA)

Different textile institutes and universities.

Importance of Textile Industry in Bangladesh:

The textile has been a really sizeable part of socio-economic progress for a unquestionably long time for a couple of purposes:

The textile industry is connected with meeting the verdict for for clothing, that is a simple compulsory of life.

It is an industry that shall be extra labor intensive than some other in Bangladesh, and that is why plays a vitally important role in offering employment for of us.

It has contributed to employment introduction, poverty discount as neatly as girls folk empowerment.

More than 81% of export earning comes from textile sector.

Contributes over thirteen% of GDP, forty% commercial well worth addition comes from the textile sector.

Provide enormous prospects for the supporting industry banking, insurance, shipping, transport, toiletries, cosmetics, motel and other associated economical routines.

Provide 55 lakh of employment where eighty% are girls folk

a hundred and fifty lakh of peoples in help industries depend upon this trade.

Provides 2 lakh jobs in waste recycling industry linked to textiles.

Present Scenario of Textile Sector in Bangladesh:

A) Spinning sector:

Different forms of yarns are produced at this sector. 100% of yarn is utilized in domestic and exported oriented weaving and knitting mills in Bangladesh. The eventualities of spinning sectors are given bellow:

Fig: Spinning sector of Bangladesh

Table-2: Number of spinning mills

Ring spinning

Ring spinning with open-finish plausible


Synthetic yarn mills

No. of spindle- 87 lakh

No. of rotor- 2.3 lakh

Production plausible-205.0 core Kg

Employment- 4 lakh

Spinning sector is facing stiff competition from the competition like India because of the fee fluctuation of uncooked cotton.

B) Weaving part:

There are a selection of designs and architecture oriented woven fabric are produced by this sector. Mainly plain weave fabric is major construction. This sector can produce solely forty% of woven fabrics for woven RMG. The scenario of weaving sectors of Bangladesh are given underneath:

Table-3: Weaving mills

Home textiles

Looms -17,000 shuttle less and thirteen,000 shuttle

Production plausible- 215 core meter

Employment -eighty,000

C) Power loom sector:

Mainly man made and really expert items are produced. Share, lungi, and gamcha additionally produced at this sector. Local main textile industry meets 90% of domestic fabric call for.

No. of resources 1065

Production plausible forty core meter

Employment -forty three,000

D) Hand loom:

This sector is strangely old and conventional sector of Bangladesh. Jamdani, and banarosi like steeply-priced share are produced by this sector. The hand loom industry supplies employment for a monumental segment of the agricultural inhabitants of Bangladesh. It additionally allows in self employment of rural girls folk.

No. of resources 1,83,512

Production plausible 837 core mtr.

No. of hand looms 5.05 lakh

Employment 10.2 lakh (50% woman)

The industry additionally supplies a monumental portion of the fabric required by the just about by market.

Bangladesh hand loom board looks after the arena.

E) Knitting, knit dyeing:

There are two forms of knitting and knit dyeing factory in Bangladesh. Some factory produce fabric for export call for and widespread no. of factory produce knit fabric for domestic need. Local knit sector can provide eighty% of knit fabric for knit RMG.

No. of resources-

Export oriented 800

Local 2000

Production plausible -

Export 360.0 meter.

Domestic 50.0 core meter

Employment- 60,000

F) Dyeing and finishing sector:

These mill technique the grey woven and knit fabric and produce the varied colored dyed and printed fabric. During wet processing of fabric these mills consume a extremely amount of underground water and produced waste water (effluent).

No. of resources 320

Production plausible 172.0 core meter.

Employment 33,000

Fig: Dyeing sector of Bangladesh

G) RMG sector in Bangladesh:

No. of resources 5063

Production plausible 22.323 core dozen

Employment 36 lakh, where eighty% are woman people.

Fig: Ready-made garment sector of Bangladesh

Contribution of RMG sector in national economic climate of Bangladesh:

In fiscal 2010-eleven, the contribution of RMG (woven and knitwear) to national export used to be 78.14 proportion or $17.91 billion in contrast with 77.12 proportion or 412.50 billion in fiscal 2009-eleven.

Total export used to be $22.93 billion in 2010-eleven.

Knit put on export $9.forty nine billion (forty one.79%)

Woven clothes export $8.forty three billion (36.79%)

In home textile, terry towel and really expert textile have been blanketed in the RMG sector, the percentage of the complete export would cross eighty proportion in fiscal 2010-eleven.

In 2010-eleven, gains from home textile export have been well worth $78.88 core, (3.44%) at the same time terry towel earned 412.0 core (0.52%).

Fig: Bangladesh RMG export earning (Source: BKMEA)

The garment manufacturing sector in Bangladesh has a new slogan: $50 billion by 2021. Its an ambitious imaginative and prescient to realise $50bn in exports by 2021, the fiftieth anniversary of the Republic of Bangladesh.

RMG market:

All state of European Union (EU) and USA are the major purchaser of the RMG of Bangladesh. There are 52% RMG export in EU and 26% in USA. Mainly EU is knit RMG market and USA is a woven RMg market. Among all of export in USA 86% is RMG, in which 42% of complete woven export and 12% of complete knit export.

H) Sericulture sector:

This sector is linked to the match of silk worm, cocoon, silk yarn and fabric. Cultivation of mulberry trees for feeding of silk worm is heavily associated to progress of sericulture sector. Bangladesh sericulture board looks after this sector and concentrated mainly in Rajshahi domain of Bangladesh. This sector contributes to the agricultural economic climate of girls folk.

Silk yarn construction 6.94 lakh kg

Cocoons construction 117.26 kg

Employment -6.0 lakhs

No. of small and widespread scale factory- 72

I) Jute sector:

Jute used to be a golden fiber of Bangladesh. Before 1980 jute earn a extremely amount of foreign currency and the commercial climate of Bangladesh used to be depend upon jute. The market of jute used to be cutting back for low cost of man made polyethylene. Till this day jute is used at the varied sectors resulting from environmental friendly reason.

Total jute fiber construction 50-60 lakhs bale

Export: in 2009-10:

Raw jute 44.70 lakhs bale

Jute items -9.05 lakhs ton

Export earning:

Raw jute - TK 1357 core

Jute product TL 3697 core

In 2010-eleven: jute export $1.0 billion- 4.36% of complete export.

Future Prospects and Challenges in Bangladesh Textile Sector:

As the inhabitants is creating and the same old of living is expanding in Bangladesh, the verdict for for textiles is expanding in a nicely timed fashion.

Moreover, growth fee of RMG export will continue as Bangladesh has edge over other competitors resulting from low labor commission.

This current an pressing deserve to dramatically spice up capacities in spinning, weaving, knitting, dyeing, printing and finishing sub-sectors.

This would require the adoption of one of the most trendy and ideal technology to make positive immoderate caliber items at competitive expenses.

To be competitive in the global market both in the case of commission and immoderate caliber.

Production and export of immoderate well worth delivered items for bigger retention of foreign change.

To get loose extra to the us of a market.

Diversification of export items and locating new holiday spot for export.

To stay up the immoderate growth fee of RMG export.

Expansion of infrastructure comparable to street, port, and railway capacities to house import and exports.

Shortage of gas and instrument provide.

Environmental pollution.

Financial new textile responsibilities and immoderate commission of borrowing.

Lack of technical and market analysis facilities.

Shortage of skilled manpower.

Way forward:

1. Attaining self sufficiency in yarn and fabric construction to make positive that the export oriented RMG industries fabric needs would possibly only perhaps also be meet locally.

To make positive bigger retention

To create employment likelihood

To get rid of dependability of technician from overseas international regions.

2. Giving extra emphasis on analysis for

Production progress for export diversification and export of bigger well worth delivered product.

Process progress for commission minimization and immoderate caliber benefit.

Market analysis for locating new regions of export and for sustainable growth of exports.

3. Ensuring the sub-sectors of the industry is better articulated leading to a extra synchronized progress in the industry.

4. Govt. policy supporting

The spinning sector to stay competitive and sustainable.

Reduction of import obligation on machinery, uncooked materials and dyes and chemicals.

Financial help to set up new textile industries in comfortable time period.

5. Improvement of the road and the communication infrastructure.

6. Ensuringpersistent and gas provide.

7. Diplomatic efforts to make positive obligation loose entry to USA market and the locating new regions of export.

8. Emphasis on immoderate caliber textile schooling to supply skilled manpower.

9. Appropriate steps ensuring security of environmental pollution.

Table-4: Textile sector of Bangladesh at a appearance

Type of mill

No. of unit



205 core kg

215 core meter

410 core meter

forty core meter

837 core meter

Dyeing Finishing

172 core meter

44.4 core dozens


6.94 lakh kg

9.05 lakh ton









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